
From ancient Roman wall paintings to Apple's "1984" Super Bowl commercial, advertising has evolved dramatically over millennia.

With iconic campaigns like "Got Milk?", Volkswagen's "Think Small", and Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" building out a remarkable timeline in recent history.


© History Oasis

Spanning from the late 19th to mid-20th century, marked the birth of modern advertising and marketing techniques.

It saw the rise of innovative distribution methods like mail-order catalogs, the power of memorable slogans, celebrity endorsements, branded design, and emotive wartime propaganda.

  • 1875: Montgomery Ward releases the first mail-order catalog
  • 1888: Kodak launches with the slogan "You press the button, we do the rest"
  • 1904: Fatty Arbuckle becomes one of the first celebrities to endorse a product (Murad cigarettes)
  • 1920s: "Say it with flowers" campaign for Florists' Telegraph Delivery (FTD)
  • 1928: Walt Disney creates the first animated advertisement with sound for Opeko Coffee
  • 1935: Penguin Books introduces its iconic color-coded book design
  • 1942: "Rosie the Riveter" appears in Westinghouse Electric ads
  • 1947: DeBeers launches "A Diamond is Forever" campaign

1950S - 1970S

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This was the golden age of advertising, characterized by iconic campaigns that tapped into cultural shifts and mass media's growing influence.

Memorable characters, catchy slogans, and groundbreaking creative approaches emerged.

  • 1955: Marlboro Man debuts
  • 1958: "Have a Break, Have a KitKat" slogan introduced
  • 1959: The seductive "Flake Girl" cadbury ad campaign begins
  • 1962: "Think Small" VW Beetle campaign launches
  • 1968: "You've Come a Long Way, Baby" Virginia Slims campaign
  • 1971: "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" commercial airs
  • 1973: Smash Martians campaign begins
  • 1974: "Heineken refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach"; Skittles first ad
  • 1979: "Where's the Beef?" Wendy's campaign begins

1980S - 1990S

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This era marked a period of bold, innovative advertising that leveraged the power of television and emerging pop culture to create unforgettable campaigns.

  • 1983: Apple's "1984" Super Bowl commercial
  • 1984: Levi's "Laundrette" ad
  • 1985: Coca-Cola's "New Coke" campaign (and subsequent return to Classic Coke)
  • 1988: Nike's "Just Do It" slogan introduced; Butterfinger ad launches a with the Simpsons
  • 1988: Reese's introduces it ad "No wrong way to eat Reese's"
Source: Reeses

  • 1989: Energizer Bunny debuts
  • 1993: "Got Milk?" campaign launches
  • 1995: Budweiser Frogs commercial
  • 1997: Taco Bell Chihuahua debuts
  • 1999: Budweiser "Whassup?" commercials air


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Our ad era has been characterized by the rise of digital media, social platforms, and a shift towards purpose-driven marketing.

  • 2002: BMW's "The Hire" short film series
  • 2006: Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign
  • 2009: Compare the Meerkat campaign begins
  • 2010: Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" goes viral
  • 2012: "Sorry, I was eating a Milky Way" ad by Milky Way
Source: Milky Way

  • 2013: Dove "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign
  • 2014: Always "#LikeAGirl" campaign
  • 2015: John Lewis "Man on the Moon" Christmas ad
  • 2017: Spotify's "Thanks 2016, It's Been Weird" data-driven campaign
  • 2019: Gillette "The Best Men Can Be" ad
  • 2020: "Match Made in Hell" featuring Satan and 2020 as a couple