History of Pizza Hut


© History Oasis

As Eisenhower stewarded America through Cold War tensions and the baby boom reshaped suburban family life, 1958 bore witness to a humble yet consequential entrepreneurial venture in Wichita, Kansas—the founding of the inaugural Pizza Hut restaurant by young visionaries Dan and Frank Carney.

Their fledgling pizzeria would experience rapid early growth in step with the ascendant fast-food industry, its distinctive red roofs peppering the nation's roadsides even as a restless youth culture was testing norms, mores and tastes during the dawn of rock-and-roll.

Within a few years, the plucky Pizza Hut chain would evolve into a dining empire as American as baseball and apple pie, its convenient pizza pantheon soon to attain global renown!


the first Pizza Hut menu
Source: Pizza Hut

The year was 1958.

The winds of change were blowing through America's heartland, foretelling the coming fast food revolution. In Wichita, Kansas, brothers Dan and Frank Carney caught the scent of destiny's pizza on that fateful breeze.

Though merely college lads, they dared to dream big, investing their summer earnings into a lone pizza parlor on a dusty street corner.

Success came quickly to those enterprising brothers.

Within half a year, their reputation for quality pizza at an honest price spread through word-of-mouth across the plains. Never ones to rest on their laurels, the Carneys seized the moment and opened five more Pizza Hut locations by the end of 1958 alone.

Just as mighty oaks from little acorns grow, so too did this handful of Wichita pizzerias blossom into one of the world's most recognizable dining establishments.

By following the simple ethos of good food, good value, and good business, Pizza Hut was built from the ground up by those Midwestern boys with flour on their hands and ambition in their hearts.

This humble origin story has passed into corporate legend and remains at the core of Pizza Hut's identity even now, as humble hometown roots that grew to span the globe.


Pizza Hut mascot
Source: Pizza Hut

By 1966, Pizza Hut's distinctive red-roofed outposts, dispensing hot, cheesy fare to the denizens of Middle America, numbered over a hundred.

Yet opportunity knocked for further conquests—lands unclaimed by deep pan or stuffed crust. Franchisees Lawrence Berberick and Gary Meyers dared envision the wild frontier: regions east of the mighty Mississippi.

With pioneering gusto they voyaged far, planting the Pizza Hut standard in Athens, Ohio in the fall of '66.

Thus it breached the great riverine boundary!

Never before had Pizza Hut's brand stretched past that liquid demarcation into the eastern realm. For Berberick, Meyers and associates, eastern Ohio soon proved fertile territory.

The Athenian restaurant thrived, vindicating its backers' bold foray.

A bridgehead had been established, an epochal transit revealing Pizza Hut's potential to permeate the entire nation. None could now doubt that Pizza Hut would blanket the whole of the continental United States in its trademark red-roofed structures!


Pepsi vintage ad
Source: PepsiCo

The year 1977 rattled with portentous tidings for Pizza Hut.

PepsiCo, the storied purveyor of snacks and soft drinks, had set its acquisitive sights upon our modest pizza chain!

In November did Pizza Hut fall under PepsiCo's broad corporate umbrella. For two decades, the pizza chain and the soda giant were wed—a union that proved highly profitable for both.

Alas, ultimately PepsiCo's ardor for hot cheesy pie cooled!

By late 1997, Pizza Hut, while still beloved, no longer held pride of place in Pepsi's affections. Pizza Hut returned to independence, spun off alongside Taco Bell and KFC to forge a new collectivist destiny: Tricon Global Restaurants.

This new alliance of fast food brands endured five years ere opting for a rebranding to better capture their globalist vision.

And so on the 22nd day of May, 2002, Tricon became Yum! Brands—a moniker exuding the feastful pleasures of their multifarious fare.

Rechristened thus, Pizza Hut embarked upon the 21st century under fresh corporate aegis, its future prospects seasoned with further promise!


an online Pizza delivery from Pizza Hut
© History Oasis

The year was 1994.

While the Information Superhighway's lanes remained sparsely trafficked, visionaries recognized its revolutionary potential. Thus did Pizza Hut, ever the bold pioneer, embark upon a future-looking trial: home delivery by Internet!

In sleepy Santa Cruz, California, Pizza Hut unveiled PizzaNet: the nation's first online pizza ordering system.

By linking their internal computer systems to Santa Cruz's fledgling cyber-realm, patrons could peruse Pizza Hut's menu from their personal computers, customized orders mere mouse-clicks away.

Integration with regional transport networks enabled swift conveyance of said orders from nearest Pizza Hut locale to customer doorstep.

Though a limited test confined to one Californian county, PizzaNet's implications staggered the imagination!

Any customer so Internet-connected could henceforth enjoy Pizza Hut fare without leaving the comfort of their home or office.

It presaged an imminent age when the Web would render takeout utterly seamless—one's every gastronomic desire gratified electronically!

PizzaNet rendered Pizza Hut a veritable cyberpioneer, its forward vision setting the stage for online food ordering's eventual, explosive rise!


Mikhail Gorbachev sponsoring a Pizza Hut ad
© History Oasis

The Cold War ended.

The Soviet Union collapsed. And Russia's first post-Communist president found himself...hawking pizza in front of Saint Basil's?

1997 brought a spectacular, some may say surreal, commercial collaboration between Pizza Hut and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Seeking to augment its brand profile globally, Pizza Hut orchestrated a dramatic Red Square ad spot starring none other than Gorbachev himself!

Viewers worldwide rubbed their eyes in disbelief as the steadfast Bolshevik broke bread with a capitalist Pizza Hut executive before Saint Basil's resplendent onion domes. This high-profile endorsement announced Pizza Hut's arrival and ambitions within the former Soviet domain.

Gorbachev's turn as an unlikely pizza pitchman reportedly funded his non-profit foundations.

For Pizza Hut, it authenticated their international aspirations, tempting those in reformed communist lands to sample a new free market import: hot, melty pizza capitalistically delivered to their doorsteps!

It was census-taking by pizza rather than sword—advancing consumerism where communism once reigned unchallenged!


© History Oasis

The 21st century dawned, an age of limitless technological possibility.

Pizza Hut envisioned transcending terrestrial limits, yearning to voyage extra atmospherically. An audacious pact was struck with the Russian Space Program in 2000—orbiting ambition Meeting hot pizza logo!

Pizza Hut branded a Proton rocket to launch the Zvezda module, expanding the fledgling International Space Station.

Their iconic red logo co-piloted Zvezda skyward, emblazoned on the rocket's outer casing. Thus the quintessence of pizza outpaced earthly bounds—the first pie to grace the vacuum!

When Zvezda docked in space, Pizza Hut's scarlet pennant fluttered ninth-dimensionally.

A trailblazing endorsement announcing cosmic appetite for delivery pies!

Were alternate life forms among the stars, evidence now showed pizza as ambassador par excellence of planet Earth's tastiest export—rocketing Hut fame beyond stratosphere into infinity!


© History Oasis

April 1st, 2008. As morning dawned, a shockwave resounded through the food-service sphere—Pizza Hut had transformed overnight into "Pasta Hut"!

From Dallas HQ to franchises nationwide, restaurants touted a tantalizing new lineup of Italian pastas.

Menus and merch suddenly bore quaint images of colosseum and gondola—had marinara replaced marinara sauce? The Hut's legendary pies vanished, usurped by noodles in the blink of an eye!

Panic amongst pepperoni devotees lasted only until noontide, when Pizza Hut broadcast the truth: 'twas but an April Fools' ruse!

A playful, transient makeover to unveil a legitimate new pasta range. Once the joke spread, laughter and relief resounded from loyal customers fondly missing their pizza.

By month's end, the stylish redecoration reverted to business as usual. But for a single crazy springtime day, Pizza Hut theatrically passed itself off as an Italian bistro—a carb-loaded masquerade promoting its newfound love of pasta!

Salivating legions of the sauced and cheesed breathed easier knowing ‘twas merely a momentary disappearance. Still, such spirited antics proved Pizza Hut maintained its vintage verve even fifty years on!


© History Oasis

Jolly old England, where pubs and pints traditionally rule after-hours revelry. Yet 2015 brought tipsy tidings from an unlikely publican: Pizza Hut!

Seeking to woo younger Britons, select UK locations saw their casual dining rooms transformed—augmented by fully-stocked cocktail bars!

Dining spaces shone slickly modern, scattered with high-tops and softly-lit lounge areas. Upon entry, menus proffered not merely pan pizzas and garlic knots—but Negroski mules, passionfruit bellinis and “Huttinis” with olives and peppers for garnish!

Patrons came to dine yet found themselves stirred to stay, seduced by the siren-song of 2-for-1 cocktail specials.

With beer taps a drip and shakers clinking, could Pizza Hut meaningfully compete with true English pubs?

The revamped restaurants attracted buzz but failed to stick. Alas, financial losses soon drowned executives’ hopes. Yet the flamboyant gambit spoke to Pizza Hut’s innovative daring!

Where else might one chase pepperoni with an Aperol spritz—or match their stuffed crust to a signature Moscow mule? For one tipsy interval, Pizza Hut creatively, if ill-advisedly, reinvented itself as an Italian gastro pub avant la lettre!


© History Oasis

The magic moment awaits: lid lifted, steam rising, first slice lifted free...then disaster strikes!

Precarious avalanche of toppings tilting, sliding, cascading cardboardward! Age-old pizza woe lamented by millions—if only structural support lay tucked within the box!

Creative rescue came in 2020 when Pizza Hut partnered with IKEA in visionary promotion.

Together they conceived the SÄVA table: a functional accent piece visually suggestively of pizza's humble savior—the ubiquitous plastic kickstand! Practical flat top, three legs in red, white and green: SÄVA whimsically rendered this pizza essential into a novel surface for lamp or vase!

Sale of each quirky, pizza-paraphernalia-inspired table contributed one Euro toward pandemic relief, blending altruism with tasty design.

Part furniture, part novelty, and looking every bit the enlarged, stylized pizza saver, SÄVA fueled home makeovers while hyping Hut's hottest new menu collaborator—Swedish meatball pizza! Proof again of Pizza Hut’s endless panache for pairing pub fare with high concept design statements!
