"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

—Leonardo Da Vinci

A list of well-known modern polymaths:

  • Elon Musk
  • Steven Pinker
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Kanye West
  • Noam Chomsky


Portrait of Elon Musk
© History Oasis

Elon Musk is the most well-known polymath of the modern era.

He’s a visionary.


Musk’s achievements industry, transport, and space exploration:

Tesla: Known for sleek electric vehicles and battery technology.

SpaceX: SpaceX wants to colonize Mars, and it has shocked the world with reusable rockets.

Neuralink: Neuralink has created chips for the brain-machine interfaces. Most famously helping paralyzed people regain movement.

SolarCity: SolarCity has pioneered solar energy services for the common man, most famously creating solar roof tiles that power the entire household.

The Boring Company: Addressing urban congestion, The Boring Company builds underground tunnels to swiftly move cars from point-to-point within a city.

OpenAI: Musk co-founded OpenAI, the parent company of Chat GPT, an artificial intelligence for the masses.


Portrait of Steven Pinker
© History Oasis

Steven Pinker is a Harvard professor and polymath that focuses on the boundaries of cognitive psychology and linguistics, and philosophy.

His expertise:

Cognitive Mastery: Pinker’s seminal work in cognitive psychology has reshaped our understanding of the human mind.

Linguistic Pioneer: His most famous books, ‘The Language Instinct’ and ‘How the Mind Works’, have laid the foundation for modern linguistic studies.

Philosophical Forays: His books ‘The Blank Slate’, tackle philosophical questions regarding human nature.

Evolutionary Insights: Pinker has come up with groundbreaking theories on how evolutionary processes influence language, thought, and human behavior.

Public Engagement: Pinker is known as a great public speaker, making him very popular in the speaking circuit.


Portrait of Neil deGrasse Tyson
© History Oasis

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is best known for his expertise in cosmology, coupled with his talent for demystification, where he helps the average Joe understand complex scientific topics.

deGrasse Tyson’s galaxy of achievements:

Stewardship of Hayden Planetarium: The institution has soared to new heights, becoming a hub for astronomical exploration.

Cosmic Communication: He’s best known for the series, ‘Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey’, where Tyson reintroduced the wonders of the universe to a new generation.

StarTalk: In this podcast, he’s figuring out how to meld science with pop culture.

Literary Contributions: He’s a best selling author with books like ‘Astrophysics for People in a Hurry’ and ‘Space Chronicles’ that help average readers understand physics and space.


Portrait of Kanye West
© History Oasis

Kanye West has become a musician and renaissance figure reborn for the 21st century.

The kaleidoscope of Kanye West’s achievements:

Music: West is best known for hip-hop albums like ‘The College Dropout’ and ‘My Beautiful Dark Twisted’ bringing a unique blend of introspection, social critique, and sonic experimentation.

Fashion: Through his Yeezy brand, Kanye has redefined streetwear and fashion.

Film: He’s acclaimed for the short film ‘Runaway’, which is a mix of music with evocative imagery.


Portrait of Noam Chompsky
© History Oasis

Noam Chomsky is a polymath who sits between the crossroads of human cognition, societal structures, and power dynamics.

Mapping Chomsky’s expansive contributions:

Linguistics: Chomsky revolutionized the study of language. He came up with the theory of transformational grammar, positing an innate human ability to acquire language, showcased in works like “Syntactic Structures.”

Politics: He was a critic of  imperialistic endeavors and power structures, his works such as “Manufacturing Consent” provide insights into media manipulation and systemic propaganda.

Media: Chomsky has unveiled the often subtle machinations of media in shaping public opinion.

Philosophy: His philosophical inquiries have challenged the prevailing notions of knowledge and reality.

