King George III Quotes
© History Oasis

Below is a list of quotes from King George III that helps understand one the most hated men during the American Revolution.


King George III quote on losing America
© History Oasis

"I do not wish to come to severer measures, but we must not retreat."

"The rebellious War now levied is become more general, and is manifestly carried on for the Purpose of establishing an independent Empire. I need not dwell upon the fatal Effects of the Success of such a Plan."

"America is lost! Must we fall beneath the blow?"

"I have not yet begun to fight!"


King George III's quote on doing as he pleases
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"I am the master of my own person, and I shall not be dictated to."

"I am not a king of a petty German principality, but of the British Empire."

"I am the only man in my dominions who cannot do as he pleases."

"I am determined to preserve my crown and my authority."

"I am not a tyrant, but a father to my people."

"I am not a politician, but a king."

"I am a man of my word."

"I am a loyal subject of the crown."

"I am a Protestant and a defender of the faith."

"I am a man of peace, but I will not be bullied into submission."
