© History Oasis / Created via Midjourney
Here is a list of horrible and famous narcissists we could think of:
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was the dictator who led Nazi Germany. He orchestrated World War II and the Holocaust. He displayed classic narcissistic traits through his unwavering belief in his own superiority, cultivation of a personality cult, inability to accept criticism, and complete disregard for the suffering of others.
Napoleon Bonaparte, the ambitious French military leader who crowned himself Emperor of France in 1804, exhibited classic narcissistic traits. He had a grandiose self-image, insatiable thirst for power/glory, and willingness to sacrifice countless lives to fulfill his expansionist vision across Europe.
Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) conquered vast territories across three continents and created one of history’s largest empires. He was known to have a belief in his divine lineage and an obsession with personal glory. He was known to eliminate anyone who got in his way.
Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) ruled the USSR with brutal efficiency for nearly three decades. He had a massive cult of personality, paranoid purges of perceived enemies, and complete disregard for human suffering. He thought he was glorifying his own image as the nation’s savior.
King Louis XIV, known as the “Sun King,” ruled France for 72 years (1643-1715) with absolute power, displaying narcissistic traits through his opulent palace at Versailles and his famous declaration “L'état, c’est moi” (“I am the state”).
Nero, the fifth Roman Emperor from 54-68 CE, exhibited classic narcissistic traits via his extravagant self-indulgence, theatrical performances where he demanded adulation, and his violent elimination of perceived rivals (including his mother and wife). Nero had a terrible disregard for Rome’s suffering during the Great Fire, which he allegedly used as an opportunity to build his magnificent Domus Aurea palace.
Saddam Hussein was the Iraqi dictator who ruled from 1979 to 2003. He was known for his construction of lavish palaces, extensive cult of personality featuring portraits and statues of himself, and brutal elimination of those he thought would undermine his power.
Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s dictatorial leader from 1969 to 2011, known for his eccentric self-promotion, flamboyant personal style, and brutal suppression of opposition. He loved constant admiration and recognition on the world stage.
Benito Mussolini ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943. He was known for his narcissistic self-promotion and authoritarian leadership style that demanded constant admiration. Mussolini showed little empathy for those who suffered under his fascist regime.
Caligula was a narcissistic Roman emperor who ruled from 37-41 CE. He is remembered for his self-deification, sadistic cruelty, and excessive indulgence, demanding worship while maintaining complete disregard for others’ suffering during his notoriously brutal four-year reign.
Mao Zedong (1893-1976) was the founding leader of communist China whose policies caused tens of millions of deaths. He’s best known for his personality cult, rejection of criticism, and willingness to sacrifice countless lives for his vision. He killed tens of millions of people during his failed Great Leap Forward.
King Henry VIII (1491-1547) was England’s narcissistic Tudor monarch. Historians speak of his ruthless pursuit of power, rejection of papal authority to secure divorces, execution of two wives, and self-centered governance that placed his desire for a male heir above all else.
Fidel Castro was the communist who ruled Cuba for nearly five decades (1959-2008) and exhibited narcissistic tendencies through his cultivation of a personality cult, grandiose self-image, and refusal to relinquish power despite economic hardship and international isolation.
Joan Crawford was a Hollywood actress from the 1920s-1960s. She exhibited narcissistic traits via her relentless perfectionism, obsession with public image, and abusive parenting, documented in her daughter’s memoir “Mommie Dearest.” Her need for control and adoration reportedly manifested in the cruel treatment of her adopted children.
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish artist who co-founded Cubism and created over 20,000 works spanning multiple mediums. He was also known for his mistreatment of women, self-mythologizing as a creative genius, and declaration that “I am God.”
Andy Warhol, the influential 20th-century artist and filmmaker who pioneered pop art. Warhol was obsessed with celebrity culture, self-promotion, and emotional detachment from others.
Steve Jobs was the innovative co-founder of Apple Inc. His employees knew him for his perfectionism, domineering management style, and belief in his exceptional vision—often dismissing others’ ideas while expecting unwavering dedication to his exacting standards.
Richard Nixon, the 37th U.S. President who resigned due to the Watergate scandal. He was known to be paranoid about enemies, creation of an actual “enemies list,” and deep preoccupation with his public image. In the end he prioritized his own interests over constitutional principles.
Eva Perón (1919-1952) was Argentina’s charismatic First Lady, where she built a powerful cult of personality through her work with the poor while exhibiting narcissistic traits through her self-mythologizing and carefully crafted image as the “Spiritual Leader of the Nation.”
Cleopatra, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt (51-30 BCE). She was best known for her self-promotion, strategic manipulation of powerful men like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and her obsession with portraying herself as a living goddess.
Ivan the Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar (1547-1584). He showed narcissistic traits through his extreme cruelty, paranoid purges of perceived enemies, and establishment of a personal guard (Oprichniki) who terrorized the population. He had an inflated sense of ego and of divine authority that justified his violent consolidation of absolute power.
Oscar Wilde, the flamboyant 19th-century Irish poet, playwright and novelist known for works like “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” He was obsessed with beauty and appearance. His famous wit often elevated himself while disparaging others.
Vlad the Impaler, 15th-century Prince of Wallachia, earned his reputation through extreme cruelty—particularly his signature punishment of impaling enemies on stakes. He had a lack of empathy, sadistic enjoyment of others’ suffering, and a desire to be feared and worshipped by both allies and enemies.
Marie Antoinette was the last Queen of France before the French Revolution, displaying classic narcissistic traits through her extravagant lifestyle, detachment from public suffering, and famous dismissal of starving citizens with her “let them eat cake” line.
King George III of Great Britain (1738-1820) ruled during the American Revolution and lost the American colonies, while exhibiting narcissistic traits through his stubborn adherence to personal authority. His failure was due to his refusal to compromise with Parliament, and persistent belief in his divine right to rule even as his mental health deteriorated as he got old.